Know When Does Luffy Use Gear 4?


Luffy’s Gear 4 form is one of the most powerful forms in the series. Luffy uses Gear 4 when he is in a tight spot and needs to use all of his power to win. The form was first used in the fight against Doflamingo. Luffy used Gear 4 to break free from Doflamingo’s strings. Gear 4 is one of the 3 forms that Luffy has currently. The other two are Gear 2 and Gear 3. Luffy’s Gear 2 form was first used to fight against Kuma, it was used to help Luffy get rid of the old man’s hands.

When Does Luffy Use Gear 4

First Use of Gear 4

The first time Luffy used Gear 4 was during the fight against Doflamingo.

Gear 4, Luffy’s latest and most powerful gear yet, made its debut in the fight against Doflamingo. Luffy used it to great effect, managing to take down the powerful Shichibukai. The exact origin of the Gear 4 is unknown, but it is clear that it grants Luffy incredible power. First Use: Gear 4 was used for the first time in the fight against Doflamingo.

Gear 4 is one of Luffy’s three forms, it can be best described as an energy-based form, which is a result of the wear and tears on his body.


Second Use

The second time Luffy used Gear 4 was during the fight against Katakuri.

Gear 4 is a type of gear that Luffy uses to increase his power. The first time Luffy used Gear 4 was during the fight against Doflamingo. The second time Luffy used Gear 4 was during the fight against Katakuri.


Third Use

The third time Luffy used Gear 4 was during the fight against Jack.

Luffy used Gear 4 for the third time during the fight against Jack in the Wano Country. This was a very important fight for Luffy, as he was trying to save his friends and defeat Jack. Gear 4 helped Luffy to be more powerful and faster than before, and he was able to defeat Jack with this new power.


Fourth Use

The fourth time Luffy used Gear 4 was during the fight against Cracker. Luffy’s fourth use of Gear 4 happened during his fight against Cracker. Luffy entered Gear 4 for the first time against Doflamingo and has used it three other times since then. Each time, Luffy’s appearance and abilities change in some way. This time, Luffy’s skin became golden and his hair turned white. His body became more muscular and he grew a pair of wings.


Fifth Use

The fifth time Luffy used Gear 4 was during the fight against Sanji. The fifth and most recent use was during his fight against Sanji. Luffy has been seen using Gear 4 for a variety of reasons including attacking, defending, and even escaping.


Sixth Use

The sixth and final time Luffy used Gear 4 was during the fight against Big Mom.

Luffy used Gear 4 for the sixth time during his fight against Big Mom. He initially seemed to be at a disadvantage, but after activating Gear 4th: Bounce Man, Luffy was able to turn the tables on his opponent. This new form allowed him to bounce around the battlefield and attack with great speed and power.


What episode does Luffy use gear 4

In the latest episode of “One Piece,” Luffy used his gear 4th technique against the Charlotte family. The technique was so powerful that it caused the entire stadium to shake. Many fans are wondering when Luffy will use this technique again and what kind of damage it can do. So far, gear 4th has only been used once in the series and it is unclear how long Luffy can maintain the form. In episode 726 he used his gear 4.


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We believe that Luffy will not use Gear Fourth again until he has to face a very powerful opponent. As for what other possibilities Gear Fourth has, we believe that it could possibly help Luffy defeat his opponents faster.

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